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57장. AWS Elastic Beanstalk를 사용한 서버리스 컴퓨팅

by SAMSUNG & PI COIN FOREVER 2022. 2. 23.


## JAVA, PHP, Docker, Node 개발소스 가능


Even if you use a cloud provider like Adewusi, you can still rent, to put it like that, a virtual

machine that has a dedicated CPU memory and disk space.

But this also means that you need to handle software updates or backups or handle any softer issues

that may occur and that make your application run unstable.

The U.S. Lastic Bienstock is a way to deploy an application, but let us handle the softer need to run


It is probably one of the easiest way to deploy an application in the cloud.

Doesn't mean that with a Lustick Bienstock, you would be able to deploy any application.

But applications developed with the Java or P or Node or even running Dukkha are automatically supported

by Elastic Bienstock.

So it's as easy as telling Lastic Bienstock, Hey, I have this application, can you host it for me?

And Ellerslie Bienstock will be able to handle any scalability monitoring, load balancing or any other

issues that the application may have.

So for that reason we are going to use the Elastic Bienstock to deploy our job application, which exposes

the rest API managing the car's fleet.




