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55장. Amazon Web Services(AWS)에 대한 간략한 소개

by SAMSUNG & PI COIN FOREVER 2022. 2. 23.



Amazon Web Services, or simply AWG, is a cloud platform offering over 170 services available in data

centers all over the world.

Such services include virtual servers, manage databases, file storage, content delivery and many


Well, this section focuses on AWG, the principles presented here apply to any other providers.

If you don't already have an AWB account, it's quite easy to create one.

Enter your personal details and click on Continue.

If you're using second for professional purposes like within your organization or planned to do deployment's

or to use aways within your organization to look professional.

Otherwise, if you're just learning AAUW and experimenting with it, it's absolutely OK to start with

a personal account.

It is a paid service, and even though in the beginning there is a free tier which has some limits and

is ideal for learning and experimenting, this theory card, a credit card or debit card from you just

in case you go over the free limit.

So, yeah, eventually A.W. is a business, so they're trying to make money.

This is why you need to put your credit card information here, the ways you will not be able to use


I'm going to add this credit card information.

And additionally, I also have to verify my phone number.

Now, my identity has been verified and I can start using my AWB account.

I also have a support system and you can select a support plan.

I personally think that their support is actually very, very good.

But you will only need support from them if you are deploying a w e within your organization.

So for just learning purposes and getting started, you don't need any support from them.

You will have all the support from my side when it comes to the content of this course.

So simply click on free and continue with a free basic plan.

Now we have an eyewitness account that is verified, it has a payment, and what we need to do next

is to sign it into the console because from the console we can access all the services that AWB has.

Do you think that AWB management console, it means that you have set up everything correctly and you

could continue with the rest of the course and start using AWB right away?

It is distributed in multiple data centers and you have the possibility of selecting the data center

that you would like to use right here on the right side, on the top of the menu.

Currently in my case, I have southeast Ohio.

Typically, the data centers in the U.S. have a lower cost than anywhere else in the world.

But you may want to check for your specific reason if you are interested in having those in your specific


For example, for data security reasons, many companies within Europe prefer to have two data centers

and that data from A.W. is physically located in Europe.

So for that reason, it always offers this service.

But it is much more expensive than data centers located in the U.S. Typically, the U.S. East Side will

have the lower costs.

So for that reason, I will select U.S. east north of Virginia.




