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54장. CI/CD 파이프라인 요약

by SAMSUNG CLOUD-OKY 2022. 2. 22.







Now we have an artifact or a package of software, we have tested it and we are ready for deployment.

So what to do next?

We want to have this somewhere where a client, either from a mobile app or from a web location, can

access this car information to displayed for the end users.

That leads to opposite direction in which you can go if you want to deploy something like this, you

can deploy this package on your own infrastructure, meaning that you deployed its on servers that you

control and manage.

Or you can deploy the software using a cloud provider like Amazon, AWG, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure

and so many others.

The advantage of using a cloud provider is that you only rent the infrastructure for the time you are

using it.

Let's take this example.

If you build an e-commerce shop and you want to host it, you will need to buy a silver plated somewhere

safe, make backups and the software updates and fix any hardware failures and so on.

During peak times.

For example, just before Christmas, you may need to buy an additional server that will stay idle for

the rest of the year just to handle those Christmas sales.

Using a cloud provider, you can focus on actually building and maintaining the application and worry

less about the hardware and how to scale your application.

Which option makes more sense?

It's totally up to you.

Some organizations decide to go one way or the other, but many decide to still have some infrastructure

on the premises.

But at the same time, to take advantages of many cloud providers for some of the reasons mentioned

above, cloud services have risen greatly in popularity in the last years.

In the following lectures, I will show you how to use the Amazon RWC to deploy digital application.




