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49장. Postman으로 API 호출하기

by SAMSUNG & PI COIN FOREVER 2022. 2. 21.


## Import 로 Json 오픈, Localhost 로 설정
- CRUD 테스트


- 브라우저 조회가능





















So after opening Posman, I will go to import.

And are two files that need importing, the first one is the collection, the cars, S.P.I, and the

second one is the environment, and then open them both.

And men will report that both have been imported.

You will see here under collections that you will have a new collection.

It's called the Castle API.

In addition, under environments, you'll have to localhost the environment.

Only to select the ogles, because that will add some variables that you will need inside the collection.

I've started a collection in multiple folders, and the first one is C, are you D, which stands for

creator iterative update and Delete.

So the first end point that I have is simply using the basic URL, which in our case is localhost and

a specific board, then using the car's endpoint.

If I hit a send button, you will see here in the response part a decent response with a list of cars

that I have in the database.

Curse itself is pretty simple.

It has an I.D., it has a manufacturer model.

And here it was built pretty, pretty easy initially with another end point, I can add a car to the

list and you'll see here in the by the request can add another car.

This will get the new it will be added to the database.

Going back to get old cars, if I hit this again, we'll see here down now, the list contains an additional


This is an entire workflow that has been implemented in the API.

So you can get all the cars, you can add a new car, you can get a single car if you want to.

And you can, of course, delete the car as soon as you don't need it anymore.

And points that are available is one for statistics, for for example, based on what's available in

the database, this can calculate how many vehicles are there and what's the age, the average age of

the vehicles.

Finally, there are some health and points, for example, this end point, which is actuators slash


We just say if the service is up, if everything is sort of like running, if the application has been

stopped, the quick and easy way to check if everything's OK.

So this is what the application does.

It just exposes an API, gives Jason responses of practically raw data from the database and allows

other applications that have not been built yet to use this data to displayed in the nice format.




